Tuesday 20 September 2016

Movie Review "Million Dollar Baby"

Hi Movie Fans!

Today I'm reviewing an older movie released in 2004.

After re-watching it today I knew it was a movie that had to be promoted!

The film is about a waiter in a Missouri town who is very working class. Maggie the waiter decides to join a gym owned by Frankie Dunn. After training hard every single day in the gym she finally convinces Frankie to train her. Despite constantly stating he "doesn't train girls." Eventually after months of training Maggie goes professional. Becoming a champion.

The story is impeccably written, but more than that, the director who also composed the lovely music score, brings a rare degree of humanity to the intensely moving conclusion. The firm won four Oscars and is truly a reflection of the American Dream.

Million Dollar Baby poster.jpg
(Source: Warner Bros. Pictures)

(Written by Jack Lording) 

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