Sunday 30 October 2016

Saturday 15 October 2016

Movie Review- "The Departed"

There are many aspects I didn't like about this move, including the cat and mouse plot line and the choice of cast. Why couldn't Billy Costigan or Collin Sullivan or anyone else figure out that those two are the double agents? It seems very obvious that Collin came up under the instruction of Frank Costello and that the issues begun to occur once Billy joined Costello's mob. Is Costello trustworthy and enough of a thinker? The names are also confusing and easily interchangeable. I'm not a fan of Marty or Leo, but Leo does play his role well. Matt Damon doesn't have the face of a villain, Martin Sheen's character dies easily not adding much to the movie, and Marky Mark's character is rude for the sakes of being so - not enough grunt to develop an Oscar-worthy performance.

Watch the trailer below.....

(Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures)
Written by Jack Lording 

Friday 14 October 2016

MOVIE REVIEW--“The Cabin in the Woods”

Hi Movie Fans!

Today i'm going to reviewing a horror movie which is The Cabin in the woods. This movie released in March 9 of 2012. The film has since grossed a total of $66.5 million.

This movie is a normal horrible movie.

In a sunshine day, the University students Harden , Matti , Jules, Dana and Kurt drove to the cabin in the mountains. They do not know is that their every move in a mysterious  organization under the surveillance, or even consciously or unconsciously guided by the group of people into the trap. Suddenly, Dina read out a spell with Latin. In this monument, the ugly zombie to climb out and try to kill young people. The other side of the lens, members of the mysterious organization looking at everything in front of the camera. 

These young people, for a mysterious purpose must die.....

                                                    (Source: Mutant Enemy Productions)

(Written by  HONGDA WANG)

Movie Review- Superbad

Jonah hill (seth) and Michael Cera are getting ready for their graduation party. They start of by promising some girls that they would buy them some booze in the hopes of getting with them later in the night. However the plan fails and the police take Mclovin into custody. After a few turn of events they finally make it to the party everyone was smashed and Evan got with his crush but lets just say it did not turn out so well. Movie ends with both of them getting with the chicks they wanted (so typical i know). Overall this movie was f!@#king hilarious would definitely recommend it for someone looking for something light (as opposed to V for vendetta). More mature audience wouldn't enjoy it as much its a teen film about sex and alcohol so.... everyone has their preferences.

(Source: Columbia Pictures)

Written by Muhammad

Thursday 13 October 2016

Movie Review "Kangaroo Jack"

                                                            (Source: Warner Bros. Pictures)

A mafia crime movie or a children’s comedy film? This movie’s titling and marketing appears to suggest the latter.

Frustrated New York based hair dresser, Charlie Carbone and his best friend Louis Booker, find themselves at the mercy of mafia crime boss Sal Maggio after inadvertently leading police to Sal’s warehouse full of stolen goods. Sal gives the pair a shot at redemption and sends them on an errand to deliver a package (containing $50,000) to a certain Mr. Smith in Australia. While driving through the Australian outback, they accidentally hit a hopping Kangaroo. Believing the kangaroo dead, for laughs and giggles, they put sun glasses and Louis’ ‘lucky’ red jacket on the kangaroo while taking pictures. The Kangaroo soon awakes from its unconscious state and hops fast away with the red jacket and with it, the envelope full of cash meant for Mr. Smith. This will prove the start of their travails in Australia. As they set about trying to locate the runaway kangaroo and recover the money, they are in turn been chased after by Mr. Smith, his henchmen, and Sal’s right hand man, Frankie Lombardo and his henchmen.

Charlie and Louis capture the attention of viewers with sheer chemistry for the duration of the movie. A particularly humorous argument ensues between the pair upon Louis discovering the sum of cash held in the mysterious yellow package, by which they argue in the air plane's toilet while outwardly appearing to be joining the ‘mile high’ club to flight staff and passengers. This very adult joke could be considered inappropriate in a movie pitched as a family movie.

Whilst Charlie was the protagonist dealing with a crooked and overbearing step-father, Louis was a comedic ray of sunshine lifting every scene he appeared in. A lot of his presence was in his facial expressions alone.

Kangaroo Jack was an interesting but ultimately disappointing movie. For a movie named kangaroo Jack with a talking/rapping kangaroo in the trailer, viewers will be left disappointed that instead of scenes prominently featuring a talking kangaroo, it rarely materialised as such. At the conclusion of the movie, viewers are left with a real case of false and misleading advertising. While adults should find this to be an OK movie, there is little to pique the interest of children who would have been drawn in mass to see this movie. 

Charlie and Louis’ friendship although very engaging and the story that follows them is interesting enough to follow, it is hard to get past the misleading nature of the trailer. The movie should have been marketed as it is and not as an Alvin and the Chipmunks animal speaking filmI rate it 2.5 out of 5.

Contributed by: Ola Akinya

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Movie Review "Grand Torino"

 Would love to grow up to be like Clint Eastwood after watching this film. Eastwood the director, Eastwood the actor, Eastwood the invincible, Eastwood the old man.

The film highlights the need to remain open minded to others throughout life particularly as you age. We see that others can be in situations that are unavoidable and there are ways that we can help without realizing it. We see this development in Eastwood as his character opens up to others and in the process helps them but even more important helps himself in the process.

Watch the trailer below....

(Source YouTube/ All Rights belong to Warner Bros.)

(Written by: Jack Lording)

Monday 10 October 2016


Hi Movie Fans!

Today i'm going to reviewing a horror movie which is Orphan. This movie released in July 24 of 2009. The film has since grossed a total of $ 78,337,373.

This movie is a normal horrible movie.

Accidental abortion influence the young couple John and Kate. In order to save of a dilapidated marriage, the couple went to a orphanage to adopt a child. The little girl exudes a unique temperament to attract John and his wife, the final Eastbourne became a member of their family.
However, with the arrival of Eastbourne, a variety of bizarre events followed.

                                                                 (Source: Warner  Bros)

(Written by  HONGDA WANG)