Friday 14 October 2016

Movie Review- Superbad

Jonah hill (seth) and Michael Cera are getting ready for their graduation party. They start of by promising some girls that they would buy them some booze in the hopes of getting with them later in the night. However the plan fails and the police take Mclovin into custody. After a few turn of events they finally make it to the party everyone was smashed and Evan got with his crush but lets just say it did not turn out so well. Movie ends with both of them getting with the chicks they wanted (so typical i know). Overall this movie was f!@#king hilarious would definitely recommend it for someone looking for something light (as opposed to V for vendetta). More mature audience wouldn't enjoy it as much its a teen film about sex and alcohol so.... everyone has their preferences.

(Source: Columbia Pictures)

Written by Muhammad

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