Saturday 15 October 2016

Movie Review- "The Departed"

There are many aspects I didn't like about this move, including the cat and mouse plot line and the choice of cast. Why couldn't Billy Costigan or Collin Sullivan or anyone else figure out that those two are the double agents? It seems very obvious that Collin came up under the instruction of Frank Costello and that the issues begun to occur once Billy joined Costello's mob. Is Costello trustworthy and enough of a thinker? The names are also confusing and easily interchangeable. I'm not a fan of Marty or Leo, but Leo does play his role well. Matt Damon doesn't have the face of a villain, Martin Sheen's character dies easily not adding much to the movie, and Marky Mark's character is rude for the sakes of being so - not enough grunt to develop an Oscar-worthy performance.

Watch the trailer below.....

(Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures)
Written by Jack Lording 

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